Friday, September 5, 2008

Springtime Door

This is another door from Provence. While I know the day I took this photo (April 20, 2007), I can't for the life of me remember which little village I was in. It's somewhere on a backroads route from Goult to Rustrel. We stopped in several villages to snoop around and take photos. This beautiful wisteria stopped me in my tracks and I took several different shots of it. It amazed me that something so beautiful could come from one skinny tree and spread onto stone walls. The red screen door looked very friendly and inviting as well. The view from this village was equally beautiful. It overlooked acres and acres of rapeseed that was in full, flowering yellow bloom. Breathtaking! I'd love to go back and see this door framed in mid-summer by its leafy green trellis or perhaps in the wisteria leaves change to a beautiful fall color?

Spring, for me, is the door that opens the year.


Carver said...

That's a beautiful door, especially in the spring with the flowers blooming around it. Lovely.

Melli said...

That is beautiful! You caught it at just the right time!

Carletta said...

Beautiful! The fragance of the wisteria would be heavenly as you came and went through the door.

No, I have wisteria over my deck. When the bloom is gone the leaves stay green until about now and will turn spotty yellow and drop off. My deck already has shriveled leaves already.It would be wonderful it they changed a fall color.

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