Monday, June 7, 2010

St. Joseph

I'm starting to feel a bit of a sense of urgency about selling my house. I have 'places to go and things to do' and getting this house sold is key to moving forward with some opportunities that commence the end of August. So, I've decided to call in the big guns and turn this over to a Higher Power. My St. Joseph Sell-Your-House Kit arrived in this afternoon's mail. I carefully read the instructions which mainly say it doesn't matter one bit how you bury or place this little statue; what matters is that you believe and place your request in the hands of God. I know..I've heard all the urban myths before...he has to be buried upside-down by your For Sale sign facing the house, yada, yada, yada! But the little brochure says it doesn't make any difference...just pray to St. Joseph to petition on behalf of your request and let it be. So, I said the prayers and  buried him right side up by my sign facing the house. I was pretty specific that this sale needs to happen fairly quickly so I can be out of here by the middle of August. It's out of my hands now. If it is to will be!

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