Saturday, June 19, 2010

Knock, Knock! Who's There?

Did I hear someone knocking at my front door? Stepping to the open doorway, I looked down and saw this guy sunning himself on my porch! It's been so rainy the past few days, I'm sure he was desperately seeking some sun. I watched him for several seconds before he sensed my presence. Slowly, he turned his head and 'neck' to look at me, his tongue flicking in and out trying to discern danger. Then silently he curled back on himself and slithered into the flower bed next to the front step. I shivered a bit as his tail slipped over the edge, and he disappeared in the cool, dampness of the Stella d'Oro lillies. I had felt a bit guilty about the weeds that have started crowding around the golden lillies and thought perhaps I should pull on gloves and weed the flower beds. After watching this guy retreat, I've changed my mind. Let the weeds grow!


Stacy Wills said...

eeek! any idea what kind it is? i'm always wary when i step out the door, too.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Yikes. Not a big snake fan.

Evelyn said...

Although I think this is just some variety of garter snake and definitely not poisonous, I'm not a snake fan either. Kind of gives me the creeps to think about reaching into the flowers to pull weeds and touching it!

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