Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Part Two: The Plan Takes Shape.

As soon as the last prayer was 'amen-d,' Brother Jean-Daniel strode over to the grand piano in Mary's Chapel and began to play. Accompanied by his wonderful sacred music, I explored the interior of this magnificent church. I lit a candle to Ste. Foy and watched others light candles to St. Jacques. I slipped out of the church by the south doors and wandered around the Fountain of Plo. I paid my 6 euros and visited the Cloister to view the church treasure housed there.
A wide stone walkway encircled the church and as I got to its back side, I was greeted with these grim reminders that the church not only celebrates life, but also death. My head was reeling from the sights and sounds of this sacred place. How many roughshod feet had walked on these stones over the past thousand-plus years? How many seekers like me had come to this place to see this beautiful church, to worship, to light candles, to entreat the intervention of the Child Saint, Foy? Some where from the depths of my unconscious I heard words spoken in my voice..."I want to come back here to live for a year to study." That didn't make sense, but what it told me was that I needed to return to Conques. Then I turned around and saw this building; I began to make my plans....

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