Sunday, February 21, 2010

On Being a Pilgrim

I've blogged about pilgrimage sites before. During my month in France last year, I visited two pilgrimage villages...Rocamadour and Conques... and many, many churches that attract tourists and pilgrims alike. Last week I began a 'pilgrimage' thread on Dona Nobis Pacem as well. Pilgrimage has been creeping up on me since last September, maybe even before. In January I read a blog entry at Abbey of the Arts that challenged me to give my 2010 a theme word; what word resonates with me as the new year starts? I picked 'pilgrimage.' Or should I say, pilgrimage picked me? Now that I'm not employed, I have an even stronger feeling that I am a pilgrim seeking the holy, the sacred in myself and in the world. Where is this pilgrim headed? I don't have a clue! But I do have a pilgrim story from September to share with you. Come back to find out just who was "The Pilgrim Imposter!"

This was my first view of Conques. I parked my car on the outskirts of the village and walked into it via one of the two main pilgrim routes leaving it, rue Charlemagne. I would soon pass through Porte du Barry and be within the walled village. My heart sang and was immediately captured by this exquisite village and its Abbey Church.

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