Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Gift of a Day

Those of you out there who know me well will appreciate how out of character the following story is:

This morning I stripped my bed and began packing my suitcase for the drive to Toulouse this afternoon. Laury had invited her friends for mid-morning coffee to say goodbye, and I wanted to get things organized before they arrived. I pulled out my hotel reservation to confirm directions and as I looked at it closely, I noticed that it said I was due to arrive on Monday, Sept. 28th. "OMG! I said to myself, "I've made my reservation for the wrong day!" I frantically dug out my flight information to confirm this and found...much to my surprise...that I don't fly home until Tuesday! I had the dates wrong by a day! Laury and I giggled all morning about my lack of attention to detail and my ability to completely put my planning, organizing, checking and double-checking self on holiday for the past month. The good news is I've been given the gift of another day in the lovely Lot. I have time to thoroughly enjoy the 'gang' at morning coffee, to thoroughly smell Josie's beautiful roses, and to thoroughly soak in another 24 hours of magic! I wasn't ready to leave anyway.
Laury's friends left to right: Patrick, Jean, Greg, Laury, Chrisitiane, and Josie.


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

How amazing...because that is exactly what happened to me on my trip to Paris..I always thought I was leaving on the Tuesday, and on the Sunday, my friends got their diaries out to look at something, and said Anne you are going home Wednesday, "NO" Tuesday..I was wrong and they were right.

How wonderful you got another day with friends, just like me!!

Trubes said...

Hello Evelyn,
This is my first visit to your site via Anne's.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading of your adventures in France.
I see that you have a Parisian friend called Isabelle, which is interesting, as I had a Parisian lecturer at Liverpool University, when I was studying French.
Not the same Isabelle par hasard?
France is my favourite place to holiday, I often go to Antibes in the South.


Evelyn said...

Di...thanks for visiting! No, I don't think we share our Isabelle as she's never been a Parisian lecturer. I've not been to Antibes...maybe someday!

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