Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

It's Father's Day and every daughter should be blogging about her dad today! Here's my Daddy and me. I'm the one in the jeans, in case you wondered. I believe this picture was taken along the Sacramento River in northern Calif. I was about 3 years old. Look at that fish, will ya? No wonder I grew up to be a fisherman....I had a great role model. My dad loves the outdoors. In his younger years, you could find him fishing, working in the yard and camping during his 'down' time from his work as a banker. We camped in the mountains, at the beach, and in the back of our station wagon on road trips. And speaking of road trips...that's another thing my dad loves. We always tease him that he should have been a truck driver, he likes driving so much! At 87, he's still healthy and vigorous and fun to spend time with. I'm so glad we had time together earlier this month. Every moment is precious! I love you, Daddy!

1 comment:

Esther said...

My dad passed away several years age, he was only 71. I miss him to this day, and get teary eyed when think about him. He taught me so much.
I was always amazed how he could be so even tempered liking with 4 women.

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