Monday, June 22, 2009

The Creative Process

Musings on the Creative Process....

Instead of planning, organizing, worrying or trying to figure out how to re-create my life,
What if I could simply sit & think of words, colors, shpaes, glass, fabric, patterns, clay, sounds,
Letting those elements arrange themselves into something beautiful I could create,
Helping them re-arrange, collaborate, coordinate, fluffing them up a bit, inviting them to free-wheel through my consciousness and osmose into my subconsciousness until...

a brilliant idea
a pretty poem
a rainbow-colored image
chapter one

appears! and I create.
Is this how it happens?

Maybe not--maybe creative people can be creative in the midst of spread sheets, reports, briefings, meetings, stats, and data? If so, there's no hope for me
Maybe it's not enough to want to create or to surround myself with beautiful images & inspiring words?
Maybe dabbling isn't the right way to start?
Maybe trying to think like Leonardo isn't the answer much can I relate to a 15th century gay Italian guy, after all?

I've always said if I believed in re-incarnation, I'd choose to come back as an artist...
or a priest, or a cloistered medieval woman or a mountain man or Pharoah's daughter or a
musician or Sacajawea or...
Hmm..maybe that's part of the problem? Besides no talent, I have no focus--so many interesting things, so little time.

How does the creative process work?

Your thoughts???

1 comment:

Esther said...
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