Friday, April 24, 2009

And the Heavens Opened Up...

The gray cool day gave way to tremendous storms on Saturday night. We had lightning, we had thunder, and we had rain, lots and lots of rain. When Edith and I arrived at the Arb on Sunday morning, this is the sight that greeted us. Euphrates Creek was completely running wild! What had been a pleasant stroll thru the grass, up over the bridge, and into the formal gardens on Saturday was on Sunday only navigable by boat. Robin, the artists and the musicians held a quick conference in the bandstand and decided that at least the artist's booths and church would be canceled. Everyone pitched in to help folks load up, pull vehicles out of the muddy field, and put away a hundred or more folding chairs. As the old Shaker saying goes..."Many hands make light work," and soon everyone was ready to go. That's when the MeloDivas showed up. With everyone in colorful boots, it just screamed for a picture.

Lots of laughs and giggles later everyone had memorable pictures of boots in a puddle and the Divas holding hands and leaping into the air. What fun! We all drove around to the front of the Arb, the Divas pulled out their instruments and the singing began.

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