Friday, October 10, 2008

A Long Week

This has been such a long week. I usually don't use my blog as a forum for whining, but whine I must today! Not only has the economic news been dismal, the Presidential campaign is making me crazy. I'm so tired of it. I really could simply tune it out, I guess, as I've already voted by absentee ballot. The pundits say that negative campaigning, as repugnant as it is, works to sway voters, but I think we're better than that. Let's delete those email stories, let's leave the room when negative ads come on TV, let's turn off the radio rather than listen to more smear stories.

On top of all this national nonsense, my hospital, for some unknown reason, not only does budget this time of year, but also requires all performance evaluations be completed now. Feel my pain! I hate the numbers game, and much as I like the wonderful people who work for me, giving their evaluations is exhausting. I'm an introvert; sitting and talking to people non-stop all week has totally drained me of all my energy.

I'm in dire need of a glass of wine and an evening curled up on the couch watching "French Kiss" for the umpteenth time. I'll fantasize that I'm Meg Ryan kissing Kevin Kline in a wonderful Provencal vineyard....that should perk me up


Jientje said...

And I've published that lazy cat again in front of "our" Goult house!!
Photohunting theme was lazy this week, and I couldn't resist!
Elections like that would make me crazy too!

Evelyn said...

OOH! I'll click over to your blog and again admire the cat at 'our' house! I've vowed to take my exhausted imagination back to France for a few blogs; one can only whine so much! glass of wine became a 'kir' yummy and did the trick.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I'm shocked to read you're an introvert. Are you really?? Sorry this has been a grueling time. I'm with you on the election banter ... stick to the issues and avoid the nonsense. I hate the smearing. I feel like I teach my kids not to do that and then our potential presidents join in the game.

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