Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Love in Another Time of Cholera

Searching for information about the plague for my last blog entry reminded me of another epidemic that marched across Provence in 1832. This time the disease was cholera, a bacterial infection that still causes death in many parts of the world. Spread primarily by contaminated water, it can be prevented by simply boiling or chlorinating the water supply and practicing good hygiene. We know that now, but in 1832 the citizens of Provence had no idea how to stop its spread or treat those ill with it. My French friend, Isabelle, recommended this movie, "The Horseman on the Roof," some months ago. I bought the DVD. Set in Provence during this time of cholera, the lovely French marquise played by Juliette Binoche teams up with the handsome Italian huzzard. Together they flee from both the plague and those set on murdering the Italian freedom fighter. Isabelle was right...it's a good movie...full of romance, sword fights, wonderful riding, beautiful scenery, and gorgeous actors punctuated with scenes of horrible death and hysteria. Isabelle just commented on my blog entry about Cucuron that this movie was filmed in part there. If you love Provence, history and swashbuckling movies, please brave the French with subtitles in English and watch this movie. It's a peek into romance in 'another time of cholera.'

1 comment:

Isabelle said...

Glad you liked the movie, Evelyn!

The book, which the movie was made after, is a great read too, and from a wonderful French writer called Jean Giono.

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