Saturday, May 9, 2009


I have a dish on my desk that holds a collection of angel cards. Every morning I randomly draw one and let that thought guide my day. Certainly, I have my favorites...Joy, Play, Adventure. And I'm frequenty plagued by messages that aren't all that exciting....Synthesis, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, Communication. The past two days of my mini-break, the Abundance Angel has leapt to my fingers...actually this morning, she flipped out of the dish as I was mixing up the little cards. So, I've been thinking about what Abundance means in my life today. If a stranger visited my home, what kind of Abundance would she find? Books, books, everywhere books. I read fiction and non-fiction with equal enthusiasm. And if she looked closely at the titles, she would find many are about France, all things French...decorating, language, history, travel guides, novels, autobiographies. Guess you'd say I have an Abundance of passion on that subject! My visitor would also see an Abundance of nature surrounding my home. I live immersed in green, growing things. Iowa is lush this time of year and there are more shades of green than I have names for. The countryside is alive with nature. Lilacs bloom, dandelions freckle the lawn, colorful birds visit my feeders. This morning I watched a beautiful red cardinal share a dish of seed with a brilliant indigo bunting and a big, ole orange-headed woodpecker. In the distance I heard a wild turkey gobble while a pair of mourning doves called from the creek bottom. A visitor would hear this Abundance of birdsong harmonizing with an Abundance of music from my collection of CD's. Music of all genres...bluegrass, mountain music, jazz, the Rolling Stones, Beatles, and artists less well known like Vienna Teng, classical, ethnic, souvenir music from the musuems and churches of Paris. An Abundance of music to suit my changing mood. That's today's Abundance at Red Bell Farm. Tomorrow, who knows what kind of Abundance may appear?


Jientje said...

I LOVE Vienna Teng!!!

And birdsongs too. I'm listening to them right now!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

You paint a beautiful mental picture!

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