Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quick Update for the Week

...still waiting for our new baby to arrive. Marley Grace is being stubborn; her mommy is very ready!!'s snowing here in Iowa today...not sticking much yet. continues to be all-consuming. The financial news is not good; we were warned that there may be mandatory furloughs for managers. That would mean days up to a week without pay. Gulp!

...current 'reads' include Plainsong by Kent Harup and Traveler's Tales France.

...something I learned this week: that Merlin's forest and the Lady of the Lake legends are set in Brittany just outside of Rennes! I thought all those Arthurian legends were set in England. of my week: Soar-Dream-France. I've been pouring over my France road atlas tracing the course of the Lot River from Cahors east and following Laury's adventures.


Isabelle said...

Bonjour Evelyn !
I was wondering if your granddaughter was born yet... Her mom must be so impatient!

Last week, I learned how to make cupcakes with an American expat called Leesa. Here is her blog (go to the 22nd of March entry, and you'll see a picture of myself - in the middle - my daughter and sister!)

Evelyn said...

Isabelle...that was fabulous fun seeing your picture on Leeza's blog! Thanks for directing me there. It's interesting that Leeza is from San Diego...I spent many years living there. My son was born there and I have a brother who still lives in that area. I've put Leeza's blog on my favorites list.

Jientje said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for the baby.
Oh and , swans are to Bruges what lavender is to the Provence.

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