Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life is Not About Work

I try to keep my job out of my blog. When I read other people's blogs, I see that they mostly keep work separate as well. My friend, Randi, blogs about her kids who are her work right now, but that's different. Those of us who work for a living, a salary, a way to pay the bills tend to blog about other things. It would be too easy for my blog to become a platform for whining if I let work worm its way into it. I have to admit, though, that my job does influence this blog. This past week is a perfect example...I haven't made a single blog entry! Not because I haven't thought about it or wanted to, but because work has consumed every bit of my energy, creativity, and instinct for survival...and not in a good way! My goal today is to break that pattern and find inspiration. It's the weekend! I have two whole days of freedom, of not having to think about my job! I can do whatever I want! I intend to put this time to good use. I'll keep you posted....

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