Saturday, February 9, 2008


This is Lucie. She came to live with me a couple of years ago. It was a lovely October afternoon when I spotted her sitting on my deck peering thru the sliding glass door. The last thing I wanted was another dog, but....the next morning she was still there, curled up asleep in a fuzzy black ball! So, what could I do, but feed her. Remy didn't mind her being here, and she immediately made friends with both cats, something that Remy never managed to do. I called all the neighbors to inquire if she belonged to any of them. Of course not! Dumping unwanted animals along a country road is common in Iowa; I was sure that was what happened to this little dog. Long story short...I had the vet check her out. She thought the little girl was probably about a year old and she was healthy. I thought about taking her to the Animal Rescue League, but just couldn't make myself do it. Shots, spayed, bathed...she became mine. A little neighbor girl suggested Lucy for her name; I made it Lucie with an 'ie,' tres French!
Lucie has turned out to be a good and faithful companion. I've never much cared for little dogs, but this is a little dog with heart! And she thinks she's big....tears into the neighbor's rottweiler and makes him yip and cry! And she never fails to greet me with joy when I come home.
I'm open to suggestions about her breed...any ideas? She's tri-color, about 22 lbs with very thick, long black hair. The vet thought she looked like she was part King Charles Spaniel. She loves to swim, is very protective of the property, and has no 'hunt' instinct...she loves the cats, squirrels, birds, rabbits, whatever wanders into the yard. I think she's part terrier, maybe with some cocker spaniel. What's your guess??

1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

She's so cute! My guess is part cocker, part King Charles.

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