Friday, February 22, 2008

Gross National Happiness

Wouldn't it be lovely to live in a country that based the strength of its economy on happiness? Bhutan does! What a wonderful concept... the government's official policy is that economic prosperity is measured by 'Gross National Happiness (GNH)- where cultural, environmental, spiritual well being and happiness of the people comes ahead of monetary wealth.' It's hard to imagine a country that considers happiness more important than how many cars it sells or how much oil it pumps. America is one of the most materially prosperous countries in the world, but how happy are her citizens? Not very happy lately as we bemoan the sub-prime mortgage crisis and our slide into recession. Would you be willing to give up material luxuries in exchange for happiness as measured by how clean your environment is or how easily you could access the arts? Is going to church or having moments of prayer and meditation as important to you as driving an SUV or having a flat screen TV? for thought. I, for one, would easily give up my non-flat screen TV and DISH for the arts. But ask me about giving up my book addiction or my nightly glass of red wine...I might give you a different answer!

Maybe giving up material goods for happiness isn't the place to start. Maybe simply caring about your neighbor's happiness and doing one thing to help insure a clean environment would be enough to tip our national economy towards happiness for all.

I intend to use GPH (gross personal happiness) as a benchmark for success from now on. Thank you, Edith, for introducing me to this life-changing economic concept!

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