Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Travel Swap

I'm learning so much about the blog-o-sphere! My friend, Randi, emailed me to check out a blog she reads; she thinks I might like to do the 'travel swap.' I look at it, email the blogger, and voila...I'm signed up!

Here's how it works. I send my name, address and email to the host who matches me up with another travel junkie. Each of us puts together a 'swap' package of things about our favorite place to travel and mail it by Feb. 8th. We blog about our gifts, post pictures, and make a new travel/pen pal friend. Fun!! I've already picked out a lavender sachet from Provence, a postcard from Paris and some Roger Gallet shower gel. Roger Gallet is in every pharmacy in Paris, I swear.

Oh...did I mention that France is my favorite travel destination??

1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I'm so glad you're doing it. Lucky person who gets your package ... you have such a flair for that type of thing. I hope you get some great goodies!

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