Saturday, January 5, 2008

Global Warming

Forgive me for complaining about the weather...again! You'd think with a forecast for 40 degree weather this weekend that I wouldn't have anything to complain about, but you'd be wrong! 40 degrees means that everything is thawing out. The gravel road where I walked Lucie this morning is a mess of ice, slushy snow and mud. I had to pick a path to avoid slipping on the ice, sliding on the soft, mushy snow, and sinking into the mud! And Lucie with her long black hair was a muddy, icy dirt ball when we got home. 40 degrees also means that when the storms that are currently pounding the West Coast finally arrive here next week, we'll have pouring rain turning to ice and, then with any luck, to snow. I don't think I can survive another major ice event!

If this is what global warming is all about, I say we need to do something about it....quick!


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Is that global warming or just Iowa? :)

Evelyn said...

This is totally not normal for Iowa! It's usually frozen solid all winter; rain in December and January is highly unusual. Wait 'til summer when I start whining about the humidity...also higher and many more days than the norm here.

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