Friday, July 16, 2010


Early during my first trip to France in 2005, my friend, Mickey, brought a very curious thing to my attention: French toilets. Not the toilets exactly...those are pretty much same the world over...but rather the flushing apparatus. As she said, 'You never see two that are exactly the same. Who knew there were so many versions of toilets?' Once she said it, I couldn't help but pay attention to every toilet I saw. She's right! Very rarely did I flush exactly the same way. During my month in the Lot last September, I decided it was time to record this phenomena digitally; I took photos in every bathroom I could. Yes, I know that's kind of weird. There were times it even felt weird to me, so I'd bypass an opportunity because it just felt awkward carrying my camera into the 'loo. The past two days I've shared a few of the ways the French flush their toilets. Here are a couple more images I captured during trips to the WC....

Bidets and things...
My least favorite toilet of all...the infamous Turkish toilet still found many places in France...I even used one in Paris!
And let me leave you with this last photo taken in Roussillon on that first trip to France. It's in honor of Mickey who set me on this journey of toilet discovery! You can see her leaving the Turkish toilet stall and walking past two urinals open to all the world. I was desperate for a bathroom, but hesitated when she found this one. "What if some guy is taking a leak when I come out?"  I gasped. "Just look the other way," was her wise reply!

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