Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Cursillo Weekend

This is where I spent my weekend...the University of St. Mary in Leavenworth, KS. Yes, that Leavenworth; we drove by the military base and the federal prison encircled with razor wire on our way to this beautiful site. I'll be blogging about my experiences of the weekend here and at Dona Nobis Pacem over the next few days. It was quite an experience, this Cursillo event! The University welcomed us with dorm rooms, shared bathrooms, and thankfully, air conditioning. The weekend was hot and steamy as only the Midwest can be. The public areas of the campus were beautiful, filled with lush plantings, beautiful statuary, great woodwork and old stained glass. The food was plentiful...almost too plentiful! When explaining to friends what this weekend was about, I used the word 'retreat.' Not exactly correct because although we were in retreat from the world with no TV, computers, watches, or phones, it was neither quiet nor restful! It was jam-packed with talks, discussions, activities, worship and singing. It was a weekend filled with love, with fellow pilgrims, with scripture, and with thoughts to ponder. I'm only just beginning to sort through it all and determine what it means for me.

1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I went to a teen version of Cursillo and then worked at the retreats many times. It's an amazing experience. Can't wait to hear more about it.

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