Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's Not You....It's Me.

You may have noticed a certain inconsistency in my blog posts recently. It's not's me. My creative juices seem to ebb and flow; they're mostly ebbing lately. This is one reason I have such a hard time working on my novel, which is languishing under "Camille" in My Documents. When I have the energy, I don't have the inspiration; when I have the time, I don't have the energy. And yes, not even the energy to put together a simple blog post. And the fact that nothing of interest seems to be happening in my life lately...that explains the lack of inspiration.
Lack of energy...perhaps that is because work leaves me emotionally drained by the time I get home. My free time this past week has been filled with the creative juices of a friend. She's allowed me the privilege of reading the manuscript of her first novel. So I've been whisked away to southwestern Colorado on the wings of her story...a romantic mystery replete with flash floods, wildfires, car chases, and Native American magic.

No time, no inspiration and no's not you, it's me!'re right, the picture doesn't relate to anything in particular. It's just a collage of some of the pretty flower photos that I've taken. Maybe beauty will inspire?


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Beautiful picture of all those gorgeous flowers!

I'm curious about whether I know the author whose manuscript you're reading ... the Colorado setting made me think I might.

Evelyn said...

I don't think you know my friend, Alice. She's a 'way back friend from my Yellowstone days. I've actually known her husband, Brian, since 1979! Alice is a retired Park Ranger who has had some pretty interesting adventures of her own. I truly don't know how you get it together enough to blog every day...and blog on Mad About Martha. Reading your blog is part of my daily routine; I love it!

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