Monday, May 31, 2010

Enough, I Say!

Inspired by a fellow blogger, Britt-Arnhild, I've decided to declare, "Enough!" I'm done coloring my hair. Oh, you thought this was natural? You would be wrong. I began having it colored about 15 years ago, not to color the gray, but rather to perk it up a bit, try something different. Over the years, it's become all about covering the increasing gray. Now that I'm not working, it's the perfect time to grow it out. I don't have to worry about looking scary while it transitions to...whatever it is. I can tell it's mostly gray around my face. Jerry, my hair guy, tells me there are some places it's that's scary! But the back looks to be still brown. It's inevitable that the time would come to stop the madness of hair dye. After all, I intend to live to at least 105; nobody has brown hair at that age!

So, be prepared. You may not recognize me the next time you see me!


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Remember when Rachel stopped coloring hers? It looked beautiful ... yours will too!

Evelyn said...

Yes, Rachel's hair is beautiful! Somehow I don't think mine is going to be quite that lovely.

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