Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Continuing on the theme of the colors of summer in Iowa, I have to share GREEN with you. When I first moved to this state in 1982, I was absolutely amazed by how green it was. Green in ways I had never seen before. I had lived in California and in Colorado; both have lots of places that are green...forests, meadows, gardens, but never had I seen the variety of greens that paint the Iowa countryside in summer! I was so impressed that I wrote a poem about it; if I can find it, I'll share in another blog post. This green is right by my front door...hostas, daylilies and some kind of vine-y weed. More green coming up in the future.

1 comment:

Stacy Wills said...

i've really been noticing green lately, feels as if my whole world is green.

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