Friday, May 14, 2010

Loafing Around

My Mother's Day weekend included lots of activities, but also a lot of just loafing around like these cute little bison calves. The big Mama is in charge of the nursery; she keeps a watchful eye on the babies while her sisters graze and relax. And yes, they are taking their siesta on someone's front lawn. Animals have the 'right of way' in Yellowstone! Earlier this day we drove the road towards Norris Junction; Travis had been keeping tabs on a grizzley there feeding on a carcass. Sure enough we spied a huge boar bear across the river. Trav estimated him at around 600 pounds. He was moving south and so did the next pull out where we saw a smaller female bear grubbing around in the copse of trees. We watched as she sat down, sniffed the air and looked across the river. There about a quarter mile away was the male moving fast in her direction! She stood up, turned tail and ran straight towards all of us watching her. While everyone jumped back in their vehicles, she ran across the road about 20 yards in front of us. Becky got some great photos; my little camera even with its great zoom only captured dark spots on the horizon...darn. Quite an exciting encounter even for us veteran bear watchers!
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