Friday, June 6, 2008

Ancient Paris

I admit it...I'm addicted to blogs. Don't tell my boss, but I check quite a few of my favorites every day at work. One of my favorites is one called "PetersParis." When I visited Peter's blog today, he had a fascinating entry about the Arenes de Lutece. I visited this ancient site on my last visit to Paris, so I was intrigued to read more about it.

Okay, here's another confession. In my heart of hearts, I've always wanted to be an archaeologist. When I was growing up, girls just didn't do such radical things. We became secretaries, teachers or nurses, but only long enough so we could find a man and get married. Even though my best friend and I read the Egyptian "Book of the Dead" and I snatched up every National Geographic magazine I could find that had articles about the pyramids and ancient Egypt, I caved in to the culture of the times and became a nurse. But, I'm still fascinated by anything ancient or even just old. Imagine my almost orgaistic pleasure, then, when I clicked on a link in Peter's blog and found this fabulous website about ancient Paris!

I really think I'd make an awesome archaeologist. Do you think I'm too old for a change in careers?


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Go for it!

Isabelle said...

Thank you Evelyn for the link towards Pete's Paris. I just took a quick look at this blog and the photos are beautiful!

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