Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Signs of Spring

My friend, Laury, has been blogging the past few days about signs of spring in Cadrieu...blossoms, dandelions, rushing water from the lavoir. She's inspired me to share a few signs of spring from Red Bell Farm. The canopy of trees along the south side of my house lets sunlight dapple the deck. It's so pretty, and in another week, it will change to pure shade as the big trees become fully leafed out. While the lacy-ness of spring will be gone, the shade of summer will help keep the house cool during the hot months ahead. I, too, have delegations of dandelions marching across my lawn. Clumps of wild phlox dot the sunny places in the timber and violets edge the lawn. The wild plum thickets are profuse with blossoms right now and a few branches grace my kitchen table, fragrancing the whole room. A few delicate columbine nod their pretty heads under the bedroom window.

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