Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vision Board

If you've read the book or seen the DVD of The Secret, you know what a vision board is. I started my own vision board the first of the year in the hopes of manifesting a life that is more congruent with the longings of my soul.

Well, here is what I've come up with so far....kind of a mess! Every time I see a magazine image, a color, a design or (being a writer!) a word or phrase that speaks to me, I cut it out and tack it on my vision board. It's a bit of a hodge-podge. I have two poems by Mary Oliver. some advice from a guy I know who is a motivational speaker, quotes and phrases, and a birthday greeting from my brother. The images I've selected range from a luscious picture of Penelope Cruz in a sexy red dress (oh, to be beautiful like her!), pictures of Chase and Parker, a stunning photo of Patagonia, and several pictures of beaches around the world and things related to the sea...sand dollars, shells, starfish and boats. There are pictures of lemons, strawberries, pineapples and big red, ripe tomatoes. I love the red circle with the black and white spiral! I long to rest in the vine-covered cottage! I yearn to see the Eiffel Tower again!

What does this all mean? I haven't a clue...except that my soul obviously is not content where it is! Except for the tomatoes, not a single image reflects my life in Iowa or my job. Yes...all of you out there who know me recognize this flaw in my otherwise perfect personality....I get bored and discontent very easily, that I'm always looking for an adventure, and I'll probably never decide what I want to be when I grow up! But, hey, you only live this life once, so let's enjoy all it has to offer. There are some common threads, tho. The sea and warm Nature calls; family and home (wherever that may be) are important; words, bold color, especially red, and graphic design beckon.

It will be interesting to see just where my jumbled visions lead me this year.
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1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

What a fun idea ... and so you!

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