Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Office Is Open

Remember when you were in high school and took all those interest and aptitude tests to help you figure out what you wanted to do when you grew up? Even though it was a long time ago, I remember like it was yesterday. We took tests and answered many questionnaires. Someone evaluated the answers (no computers back did we ever survive?) and in a couple of weeks we got the results back. Lots of information in both narrative and graph form. I loved looking at the bar graphs. My bars for both scientific and artistic interest/aptitude were very the high 90th percentile. There were several bars in the middle and one tiny bar for mechanical ability. There was one empty spot. I asked my teacher if this was an error...there was no bar in the clerical/secretarial slot. "No," he said, "that isn't an error. Your interest and aptitude in that area are so low, you didn't even show up on the graph!"

OMG! so why am I working here in the church office this week?? The regular secretary is on vacation and she asked for volunteers to sit in her chair. Silly me...I said 'why not?' I'm halfway through my assignment and so far, no one has yelled at me or asked me to do anything hard. I figure I'm safe as long as I don't have to file anything or figure out the computer, the postage machine, the copier that does everything except write your text, the safe, the fire alarm system or call the repair guys if the roof leaks! Anyone...even capable of answering the phone with a smile. I do have the interest and aptitude for that!

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