Sunday, May 30, 2010


I went to France in September last year with only a few expectations. I did that intentionally because I wanted to be open to whatever manifested during my month in the Lot. I expected to see some beautiful art and see historic places. I expected to have an adventure. Those expectations were certainly met, but as my Brit friends would say, I was totally 'gobsmacked' by the two things that were the highlights of my trip: people and pilgrimage.
I've dedicated several blog posts to pilgrimage...I feel very drawn to walking at least part of the pilgrimage path in France and I absolutely fell in love with Conques, a pilgrimage village in the Aveyron. I think it's safe to say I was 'gobsmacked' by Conques!

The people who became friends during my magical month truly were a gift. My cyber-friend, Laury became a true friend for life. I knew we were kindred souls from our blogs and our emails, but getting to know her has definitely melange'd some real magic in my life. Through Laury I became friends with Jean, Greg, Jean-Luc & Odile, Christiane & Jean-Paul, Josie & Patrick. If someone had told me that I was going to France to make friends, I would have scoffed...'no don't go to France to make friends!" But make friends I did...GOBSMACKED! Laury and I continue to be in contact regularly by email and by phone. She and these others continue to melange magic in my life. It's too soon to share that magic, but let me tease just a bit...if everything falls into place, there is change in the wind.


1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

How neat that great friendships have come out of that adventure. And I can't wait to hear about the next bit of magic!

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