Thursday, November 12, 2009

How Many Men Does It Take to Move a Helicopter?

Yes, that's the new Life Flight helicopter sitting in the middle of Watson Powell Blvd. in downtown Des Moines. And what is it doing there, you ask? Why would we ever block the street to land for anything less than a real emergency? The answer: to haul this beautiful aircraft into the Des Moines Convention Center for the two-day state EMS Convention slated to start tomorrow morning. In case you've ever been curious how such a feat is accomplished, read on...

First, you take lots of pictures because it just looks so darn pretty!

Then you find a mechanic to put the wheels on the skids. Once that's done, you get all the guys to pull it out of the street, so Des Moines PD can open up a lane of traffic.

Next you use lots of high tech equipment (pillows and duct tape) to pad and protect the blades.

After someone attaches the tow bar, you hook the aircraft to the hitch on the mechanic's truck.

Then you pull it slowly, carefully, gently up the ramp and into the exhibit hall of the Convention Center with men guiding the tail, holding onto the blades to keep them from bouncing and with two flight nurses sitting in the front seats to add a bit of ballast.

Unhook the truck and watch the guys move Life Flight into place!

Mission accomplished!

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