Sunday, July 4, 2010

"All the Better to See You With"

Did you figure out the clue?

The  label on the mailing envelope reads "one pair of glasses and one glasses case." Postmarked Aix-en-Provence, my package is a gift from a fellow blogger, Corey, who posted about these nifty stylish reading glasses that are the brainchild of her friend, Phillipe. Corey sponsored a contest on her blog to give Phillipe the best ideas for advertising photos of his new glasses...using Corey's yummy FH (French Husband) as a model. The prize for the best ideas...these reading glasses! And I won! Okay...some other people did too, but I thought my idea to photograph FH on his sexy motorcycle was the appeals to women who would love to be on the back seat clutching FH tightly around his waist and to guys who would love to be FH hitting the road on this sexy bike to adventures unknown. The glasses are very chic trifocals... the bottom part of the lens is perfect for reading, the middle part makes reading the computer screen a breeze, and the top lets you see a bit in the distance. They are perfect for me when I have my contacts in and have great distance vision, but up's all a blur. No more with this snazzy little number! And I'm thinking the red will look 'hot' when my hair grows out and is silvery gray. It'll be my new old lady look!

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