I received an award today from Jientje at Heaven in Belgium! She gave me the lemonade award because we both love Provence and would love to share a lemonade at Cafe de la Poste in Goult. Or as Jientje said...maybe a pastis?? Unfortunately I don't have a photo of la Poste, so I had to resort to M. Google for one. Aha...a perfect reason to return to Goult..to take my own photo of one of my hangouts in Provence!
How fun!
I'm not sure if I have one, but if I do, do you want it? Shall I send it?
And that pastis, mmmm, I'd love to have one, THERE. With you of course!
I meant the picture of the Café de la Poste. Now that I read my own comment again I see how silly it looks!
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