I had a very "Leo" day yesterday. If you've been reading my blog, then you know that I'm in the midst of a self-improvement campaign entitled "How
to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci." I think Leo would have enjoyed my Saturday. First, I made a trip to an open house at Lucie's vet clinic (okay, I have no idea if Leo liked dogs. Let's pretend that he did!). I bought a clever little invention there called a 'furminator.' We'll see how well it works on Lucie's thick coat. Then Lucie and I took a lovely walk at the marsh. I began my final French CD...lesson 29 of
Pimsleur's French III while we strolled. In it I learned how to open a checking account and ask for an ATM card. This will be very helpful if I ever realize my dream of living at least part time in France. A quick trip to the Winterset Farmer's Market for tiny onions, mesclun, Swiss chard, radishes and yellow zucchini, and we headed home. I left for the 5pm service at church by mid-afternoon, so I could make a stop at the Des Moines Arts Festival. This
3-day event is huge and draws artists from all over the country and Canada. Luckily the weather cooperated this year as it's held outside in Gateway Park in downtown Des Moines. I'm only good for about an hour of browsing, so this was perfect timing. I discovered some wonderful artists this year. One of my favorites was
Emerson Matabele, the awesome photographer who shot the image above, "Mama Africa." Click
here to visit his website. I most appreciate his people pictures all shot in third world countries and all reflecting the souls of his subjects.
I even made a purchase in support of the arts! I visited the booth of
Louise Valentine, Canadian fiber artist. She makes hand-painted silk scarves in the Shibori method, an art form from 8th century Japan. I fell in love with a silvery-gray piece. It's a long piece of silk twisted, gathered around marbles and left to dry. The artist then formed it into a necklace. Yes, it was 'way too expensive, but I love it. I feel like I've gotten two pieces for the price of one...a necklace and a scarf!
So, my "Leo" day took me to France, Africa, Japan and Canada; it helped me discover language, art, the natural world, and invention. Leo would be proud!